Thursday, July 16, 2009

Happy 21st Birthday Little Sis!

Today is my little sisters, Taryn's 21st birthday! I can't believe she is 21! I can still remember being so excited, waiting at Grandmas and Grandpas Smiths, for dad to pick us up to go see her in the hospital. Now 21 years later we are still living under the same roof! She is such a blessing in my life. T.J and Pammie love her being around. She has helped me out so much with my kids and around the house. I have seen her form a cute little blond, that had the hole family wrapped around her finger. To a Beautiful Young Adult, that still has DAD wrapped around her finger! (Which is how it should be!)

Taryn I'm excited for you to start a new chapter in her life, going to message school. Good luck Sis. I know you will work hard and make the best choices for you! You really are a Great Little Sis and a Wonderful Aunt! Happy Birthday!!:)

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Cute Sweet Boys!!

The joys of being pregnant, and having boys! I took my wedding ring off the other day, and could not put it back on! So I put them on a necklace. Like I have done with past pregnancies. This morning T.J noticed them on my necklace...
(We have always told him that he can have a girlfriend after he gets home from his mission. He is aloud to date all he wants before his mission, but no girlfriends until after!)
....He then tells me
"Mom when I get home from my mission and have a girlfriend. I need to give her this ring."

"But this is mine! Your dad gave this to me!"

"But it don't fit you any more. So I have to give it to my girlfriend! I can have the small one (the wedding band), and she can have the sparkle one (the diamond ring)."

"Well then what will I have?"

"You get a new diamond one!"

"You had better marry this girl T.J. She had better be the one!"

"I know Mama!"

OK so there you have it. T.J is going to give MY wedding ring to HIS girl friend. And I'M going to get a new one! At least that's the story for now. It might change when I do fit into my rings again. Or when his girlfriend decides that she don't like it. Either one!

For Timmy-By the way, I love my wedding ring, and would hate to part with it! It fits my personality perfect! Thanks My Love! But if T.J is going to give it to his girlfriend I do need another one, maybe a bigger one?;) Maybe?!:o

Friday, July 10, 2009

Dr. appt.

Back in March, around Pammie Shea's first birthday I started felling gross. I was being picky with my food (which is totally not me! I eat whatever and whenever!) But I blew it off like it was nothing. Then the beginning of April the same things were going on, but now I was puking in the morning. I was convinced something was wrong! So I took a test, a pregnancy test! You'll never guess what it said! Yup I was prego! I really didn't want to believe I took another one. Of course it said the same thing! My baby had just turned one and I'm prego again! I had mixed emotions. I was overwhelmed and scared! How was I going to make things work with two kids under 2. I know many women who have done it so I knew it was possible. I know I'm prego. Next, is calling the Dr. right? Wrong! After all the puking stopped (which was like 2 or 3 weeks later. Yes I am so blessed!) I started to feel really good! A side from the being tired, and body aches. I was really feeling great! I thought well, I feel so good, why not wait to see the Dr. I knew what he was going to tell me. With this being my third I could tell if something was wrong.

This week I decided it was time! I set the appt. for Friday July 10 at 9:15. First I had the ultrasound. And was very excited to find out that I was having another sweet Boy! Then I found out I was 23 weeks and 3 days along! Over half way!! I'm due November 3! I love that my first Dr. appt was half way through my pregnancy. And that I got to find out what I was having right off!

I am so blessed to be having a really good pregnancy and healthy kids! I'm so thankful for the blessing that children bring into our home! I'm so excited for this next little one to join our family! Things will be hard but I know I can always get through them with my Heavenly Father and my family by my side!:)

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Poke her face!

So here is a really cute story about T.J! We were all driving out to the in-laws for dinner, and the song Poker Face by Lady Gaga came on. Tim and I think she is weird but has a few good songs. So I look back at T.J in his car seat, and I could tell he was thinking hard. When the song was over he said.... "Mommy, I don't like to poke her face, I'll poke her hand" and then started to poke his hand with his finger. Tim and I laughed so hard! We have one smart boy! I love how little minds think!