I know I'm prego. Next, is calling the Dr. right? Wrong! After all the puking stopped (which was like 2 or 3 weeks later. Yes I am so blessed!) I started to feel really good! A side from the being tired, and body aches. I was really feeling great! I thought well, I feel so good, why not wait to see the Dr. I knew what he was going to tell me. With this being my third I could tell if something was wrong.
This week I decided it was time! I set the appt. for Friday July 10 at 9:15. First I had the ultrasound. And was very excited to find out that I was having another sweet Boy! Then I found out I was 23 weeks and 3 days along! Over half way!! I'm due November 3! I love that my first Dr. appt was half way through my pregnancy. And that I got to find out what I was having right off!
I am so blessed to be having a really good pregnancy and healthy kids! I'm so thankful for the blessing that children bring into our home! I'm so excited for this next little one to join our family! Things will be hard but I know I can always get through them with my Heavenly Father and my family by my side!:)
Yea! Congrats! I won't bore you because I allready told you all this! Love ya!
Congratulations! I am so happy for you and your husband.
That does make it a nice short pregnancy! Good job Shiloh! So what is that? 20 months apart? No problem lady. It will be hard but you'll forget all about how hard it was in a couple of years and you'll just love how close they are :)
WOW! So you ARE quite a bit ahead of me! We thought maybe just a few weeks but 2 whole months! Yeah for the boy! I hope I will copy you with a boy! oh...and way to go on being halfway done! Lucky!
Congrats! I waited with my second baby till I ws 5 months and With this last baby I didn't have an appointment till I was 8 months prego:) Next baby I'll wait till he's crowning LOL JK
I am so happy for you guys! AHHHH! He is going to be a doll!
Yeah!! I am so exctied for you guys. That is so fun...I am sure TJ is so excited for a brother. Congrats to you and your family. Mom called me and told me the other day and I was so glad she called. Hope everything goes well, which I am sure it will. Let me know if I can help or if you need anything at all. Love ya, Kara
Hurray! Another boy that is so exciting. You guys make such adorable kids. That is awesome that you were farther along than you thought. Congrats! I will never forget when we saw you guys at Chipolte and little Tj spilled the beans. That was so cute:)
Hey Lady. I have told you this before but I think now is a good time to hear it again. I love you and admire you for your faith and awesome mothering skills. I love watching you with your kids and have learned a lot from you. You will do just fine with a third one. Call if you need a nap. I don't get to see my neice and nephew often enough anyways!
So exciting! Congratulations you guys!! And hello, at your first docs. appointment you find out your half way there and you learn the sex-thats wonderful! haha. Hope you are doing and feeling well!
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