Today is my little sisters, Taryn's 21st birthday! I can't believe she is 21! I can still remember being so excited, waiting at Grandmas and Grandpas Smiths, for dad to pick us up to go see her in the hospital. Now 21 years later we are still living under the same roof! She is such a blessing in my life. T.J and Pammie love her being around. She has helped me out so much with my kids and around the house. I have seen her form a cute little blond, that had the hole family wrapped around her finger. To a Beautiful Young Adult, that still has DAD wrapped around her finger! (Which is how it should be!)
Taryn I'm excited for you to start a new chapter in her life, going to message school. Good luck Sis. I know you will work hard and make the best choices for you! You really are a Great Little Sis and a Wonderful Aunt! Happy Birthday!!:)