April has always been a crazy month for me, but this one tops all others! It all started on the 1st. Timmy had a mission reunion in Utah. So we packed up the kids and drove the Sandy, where we stayed with Timmy's brother. I forgot how long of a drive it was, but Timmy and I had some really great conversation.:) The reunion was fun. It was great to see Timmy try and remember Portuguese to speak with his mission Pres. (Sorry its so small. I don't know how to fix it.)

Then on the 9th my Grandpa had a massive stork at his house. Family came to see him in the hospital to say there good buys. He passed on Monday the 11th. The funeral was on the 16th. He lived a wonderful 92 years, 10 months of which was alone. I think he was in a hurry to be back in Grandmas arm. The funeral was a wonderful tribute to his great life. Lots of great memories, He will be greatly missed.
Here are some family photos.

My 27th birthday was on the 14th. I had a great lunch with Timmy. And then spent some time at my Moms grave site with Pammie and Levi. It was really nice to just walk around and reminisce. Timmy had to work late, but he made it up to me. He gave me ticket to the 25th anniversary of Les miserables !! I am so excited, I can hardly wait!!;] It will be a awesome night.

I also got a delicious ice cream cake! Mint chocolate chip!

On the 15th Timmy sister Tricia got married!;] Here is the sweet family.

And the happy couple!

We are excited to have Matthu join our family. And look forward to getting to know him better!;]
Grandpas funeral was on Saturday the 16th, and his burial was on Monday 18th at the Veterans Memorial Cemetery. I have never been to a military burial, it was a very sweet experience. I will never forget it.

Easter Sunday we went to my Dad ward and then had a great day of eating and talking. Mama planned a egg hunt for the kids. They love all the fun treats in the eggs.
We tryed to get a cute picture of the cute kid with their treats. But they were way more interested in other things.

Pammie and Levi both made a mess of them selves. And I didn't bring them extras clothes. Gotta love messy kids!;]

The 24th was also the 11 year anniversary of my Mothers death. It is really hard to believe it has been 11 years. Their is not a day that goes by with out me thinking of her. I love to talk to my kids about her. T.J loves that he is luckily to have 2 Grandmas Smiths! I am so grateful to know the true gospel. To know that I will see her again some day. If I didn't know this I think I would go crazy. I have been very blessed to know the truth. It was a ruff month emotionally, but I know heavenly father does not put you through something you can't get through. I have to say I'm glad April is over, and look forward to the new challenges and blessings in my life.
This was taken when I was 15. After a round of kemo. She was in remission. We worked a school dance together for Duke photo.

Someone at Duke took this of her before she got sick again. She worked there up untiled she passed.

Love you and miss you Mommy!:}